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The technology of Namikoru is mostly based around war technology. This is due to the fact that factions are constantly at war with each other over land and territory. Some of these technologies include armor that resembles Japan’s samurai’s. They also managed to build a blade that is both light and deadly known as the karya, which would be the equivalent of the Katana. This was a turning point in most skirmishes since the clan or faction with the most samurai, who were experienced with Karyas, won the battle. There was the occasional naval battle between very powerful factions since ship building was an expensive craft, which led to an expensive product. Warriors also fought using crossbows, which they combined with a native material that on impact would freeze the area around it, so if it were to strike an enemy it would freeze him up. Him being frozen means that his cells would die, essentially killing the person struck by the crossbow bolt. They also fought with early versions of firearms due to their discovery of gunpowder in caves from the excrement of bats. Highly ranked nobles in certain factions were trained from an early age to be extremely silent, but deadly. These were ninjas, who fought with shurikens and kunais.


Apart from war technology, the people also had technology for farming to use for certain situations, such as the plow to separate different areas of land in order to simplify seed planting. There were also early forms of ships with paper sails, which were used for both fishing in their vast oceans, or for naval battles, which were rare.

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