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Flora and Fauna

Namikoru is a planet that houses many different types of flora and fauna, some of who seem to be of strange origins. The original animals in the planet had originally been strange animals who seemed to be regular animals, but of a different color and had powers such as controlling lightning or turning their tails into some type of metal and use that as some kind of defense mechanism. In order for Arcane to get the results that they wanted, they isolated these animals in an island in the opposite side of the planet, where they appeared to live in harmony. In the original island of the planet where the natives lived, animals that had lived in the original island of Japan were introduced.


Due to the different types of climate in the different areas, the animals located in one area were going to be different to those of a different area. In different areas there were introduced arctic plants and in other areas there were tropical plants and fauna introduced. In the arctic areas there are evergreen trees as well as spruce. It also contains ravens and different forms of deer such as the brown deer and the red deer. All over the areas of land, there are birds who are adapted to water, such as swans and ducks and other species of animals. In the southern area there are giant salamanders and other types of reptiles. There are also pandas, as well as bamboo. There can also be found a different types of trees, such as oak and maple trees.

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