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In Namikoru, there are different religions in the area, this is partly due to the fact that the different areas ruled by different rulers have different religions enforced. Most of these areas have different variations of Japan’s Buddhism, which follow the teachings of the Buddha. In the beginning, there seemed to be no sign of a Buddha emerging among the people, so the Arcane company made it so that one of their scientists used a morphing cloak in order to transform one of their scientists into the Buddha and make him teach the people of Japan the teachings of the original Buddha, Siddhartha Gotama. Without the influence of the Europeans, Christianity never developed, and it never grew in Japan. Shinto was the the other major religion in the country, which harmonized with the environment. This made it so that monuments were built in the island. Since this was the religion followed by the infamous Shimada, a force was created that supervised different people in different faction’s territory to make sure that they honored the Shinto religion. If they didn’t, these people would be kidnapped and brainwashed until they accepted the religion. They were considered nature’s warriors, nature’s very violent warriors. There were small regions with different religions, but unfortunately for these, they were under constant attack from major territories and forced to submit to them or die trying. If they submitted, all people had to accept the new leader’s religion, and if they didn’t they would be publicly executed by the religious priest as a sign of religious faith.

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