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Art and Music

The art and music of Namikoru is very varied in the structure. The paintings that are made are usually made by using a native oil extracted from the trees. This oil is then mixed with different colored flowers to make paint. The paintings made by the people are usually based around to represent one of the two most popular scenes in the country. The paintings are either based around warring territories, or of a beautiful landscape. Most of the landscape paintings are made by people who follow the Shinto religion and want to show the beauty of the nature of Namikoru to persuade others to join. Of course there are other representations of art in Namikoru, such as the painting of leaders, which may posted around the city to expand their popularity.


The music of Namikoru is usually peaceful and very harmonious. The instruments used are usually string instruments. Most, if not all of the music of the planet is usually based around nature since Shinto is one of the major religions of the land. There is also a very active type of music that makes it so that the younger people of the country would listen to or play. This music usually involves singers and the occasional chorus and a variety of different different instruments, such as string instruments, wind instruments, among other forms of these types of instruments. The natives of Namikoru also use an instrument called the Thiaru, which is the equivalent of Earth’s form of the drums.  

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