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In the planet of Namikoru the current inhabitants of the planet are a combination of both the native people who have grown and evolved in the planet and the scientists who act in a way as referees in the planet making sure that the events that took place in the Earth history take place here. Scientists are forbidden to mate with the natives or interact with them unless completely necessary. If scientists were to interact with the natives, then the memories of the person would be modified to erase the scientist from their memory, but still keep them in the planet. On the other hand, the scientist would be sent back to Earth and would be fired from the company that leads these experiments, which is known as Arcane, and would not be able to work in present or future projects to recreate other ancient civilizations.


There was once an instance in which one of the scientists managed to rise to power and became extremely power hungry, making him conquer other factions and rule most of Namikoru. He introduced the citizens to weaponry and technology that they weren’t supposed to discover for another century. He managed to fight off other scientists, until the scientists teamed up with the Shimadas and managed to shut down his empire, which called for a massive memory modification. The Shimadas then rose to power since they had already kept some of the weaponry from the era of memoryF modification and managed to submit the people and that was how they managed to rise to power.  

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