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The language of Namikoru is loosely based around the Japanese religion. The characters used in the religions are the same, but the languages don’t have any word that is the same. Scientists tried to introduce the language to the natives early on, but the natives had too many expressions already developing in the new language. They used the characters in order to be able to write literature and pass messages. Arcane scientists managed to decipher most of the vocabulary in the language, but there is some that they can’t decipher, mostly due to the fact that they can not pronounce the words themselves. The deciphering of the language happened mostly due to the kidnapping of a native that would have no impact in the time line of the country and the development of any type of technology that would improve or destroy the current lifestyle on the island.


Due to the stubbornness of the workers of the Arcane company, they implanted a new system in a remote island off the coast of the mainland, where they tried to adapt a number of people to the Japanese religion since they thought that the religion spoken could affect the history of the country. Their plan was to teach a new generation of natives to speak Japanese, making them forget about their real language. This would eventually lead to them releasing them into the normal population, which they hoped would affect the current people by influencing them to adopt the new religion since they planned to add them in major numbers to the Shimada territory.

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